89: A Radiant You

Are you worn out because the people and circumstances in your life make it hard to feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled? Check out this episode to learn the secret to releasing life’s burdens so you can confidently create your life, genuinely trust God, authentically build relationships, and sustainably find fulfillment in your everyday life.


New Podcast Theme:

  • Welcome to Radiant You—a podcast empowering Christian women to feel lighter and shine brighter. Because life doesn't have to feel dark or heavy. Together, we find hope, inspiration, and practical tools that will help you unlock your self-confidence and build a simpler life: one bite-sized episode at a time. Truly, your life can be more fulfilling and feel lighter than you ever thought possible. The radiant you is within reach. Let's find her together.

Episode Summary:

  • In this episode, Stephanie shares a personal story about experiencing "The Great Texas Freeze" in 2021, highlighting how this billion-dollar weather disaster offed an unexpected life lesson about finding strength from within even in difficult times. 

Key Takeaways:

  • When facing struggles, tap into the inner source of light and strength to confidently navigate any situation, feel lighter, and shine brighter.
  • Embracing your inner source will help you genuinely trust God, authentically build relationships, and sustainably find fulfillment in your everyday life.


  • Check out this article to learn more about The Great Texas Freeze.

Connect with Stephanie:

A Personal Invitation:

  • You don't have to do this alone. If you're ready to live lighter and shine brighter, visit www.thelightcoach.com and book a free session to discover what's possible. The radiant you is within your reach—let's find her together.