87: A Cure for Holiday Headaches

As the holidays approach, so does the potential for joy and lasting memories. Yet, let's acknowledge the reality—holidays can also bring stress. Check out this episode to find the cure for your holiday headaches and feel empowered to create an enjoyable holiday season.

Here are some other key takeaways from this week's episode:

  • Identifying Stressors: What triggers your holiday stress? Overwhelming tasks, financial concerns, or perhaps the ache of missing someone? Studies show this time of year is stressful, especially for women managing family dynamics.

  • The Reactive Brain: Our brains, wired to conserve energy, go into overdrive during the holidays, often leading to stress and burnout. Taking charge of your brain is the key to a thriving holiday season.

  • Creating Your Focus: Take five minutes to define your holiday focus. Shift from controlling externals to creating an internal atmosphere aligned with your values.

  • Empowering Example: A client transformed her Thanksgiving by prioritizing love over managing others' experiences. Despite imperfections, she felt in charge, resulting in a truly great holiday.

  • Your Holiday Focus: What matters most to you this holiday season? Love? Connection? Peace? Purposefully choose your focus and steer clear of controlling others.

  • Transforming the Holiday Experience: Shift from the default negative holiday headache by giving your brain a positive job. Focus on what you can influence, celebrate your successes, and define what success looks like for you.

✨ Invitation to Action: Pause now or set an alarm to ask yourself, "What do I want to create this holiday season?" When stress creeps in, take a breath, remember your focus, and redirect your thoughts.


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  • JOIN our weekly group coaching sessions where Christian women break limiting cycles, explore new possibilities, and move forward together—one faithful step at a time.


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  • Healing from something hard? Take this FREE QUIZ to find out your healing phase with tips to move forward.
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