84: Rewriting Triggering Memories

Have you ever been triggered by something that left you emotionally flooded despite not knowing why? You may have some implicit memories affecting you. Check out this episode to learn about the difference between implicit and explicit memories so you can shift from reacting or resisting your triggers to riding the wave of the emotion and redirecting your memories in empowering ways. 


Invitation: Consider finding a professional who can help you process your triggers to find inner strength and peace. 


Looking for more help?

  • CHECK OUT our weekly group coaching sessions where Christian women break limiting cycles, explore new possibilities, and move forward together—one faithful step at a time.


Not ready for coaching yet? No worries, you can always start with these free resources:

  • Healing from something hard? Take this FREE QUIZ to find out your healing phase with tips to move forward.
  • Need more positive voices in your life? Follow me on INSTAGRAM.
  • Want more light in your life? SUBSCRIBE to get my TLC Tuesday emails packed with resources, insights, and simple steps to help you create a life full of peace, hope, courage, and joy!