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Free LIVE Masterclass

How To Balance Self-Care & Service As A Christian Woman

A Simple Shift That Will Leave You Confidently Serving Others & Mindfully Caring For Yourself

Many Christian women think that self-care is selfish and that service never ends. Although these beliefs are well-intentioned, they can leave us feeling exhausted and inadequate. Come learn how to harmonize self-care & service in this free live masterclass. You'll walk away with tangible tools, a fresh new mindset, and a simple shift that will make all the difference...

Save My Spot β†’


In this Masterclass, you will learn:


The Struggle: Why Doing Both Can Be Hard

Why many Christian women who value self-care & service feel like they are failing at both.


The Shift: A Simple Redirect to Change Everything

How to stop worrying about the self-care vs. service struggle and what to focus on instead.


The Success: What It Looks Like In Everyday Life 

Examples & tips on how to do both well in your everyday life as a Christian woman.


...and the best part is I'm giving away this info for free!

This masterclass will clear your mind of shame & confusion...


You know it well—that cloud of doubt that follows you around when you're wondering if you've done enough. It often sounds something like this:

"I don't really want to volunteer for this but I feel like I should..."

"Does a bubble bath or ice cream actually count as self-care? I don't feel any better. Maybe I was just checking out..."

"I feel bad that I don't want to study my scriptures or pray..."

Thoughts like these come from a misunderstanding about the true purpose of self-care & service. Want to clean up that mental cloud? Invest in yourself with this short but powerful masterclass. Your future self will thank you!

Who is this for? Christian women who...


Are committed to self-care, but wonder if they're doing it right.

 Are motivated to serve others but often feel burned out or inadequate.

 Are ready for a fresh view of how to approach self-care & service as guided by God.


Join me to embrace a new way of confidently connecting with yourself, God, and others!

This is for Me! Save My Spot β†’

A Note From Stephanie...

I spent years burned out and full of shame, trying to do God's will...

It wasn't sustainable. After a lot of professional help & a soul-searching faith journey, I have come to realize what God was trying to tell me all along.

My thoughts about God, myself, & others were keeping me stuck. Simple yet powerful tools have given me space to see the light in myself & the courage to share it with others. Now, I am passionate about helping Christian women like you shed the darkness & tap into that light. You deserve to feel confident, connected, & clear. I can't wait to show you how!

Stephanie | The Light Coach

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm In! Save My Spot β†’

*Bonus* if you show up LIVE


I am 100% sure that this masterclass will help you release shame, stress, and confusion. I also know it can be hard to carve out time to invest in yourself. SO... to help you want to show up live and get the most out of the masterclass, I'm sharing my favorite self-care hack—an amazing 1.5+ hr long playlist with my favorite tunes. The best part? They all have Christian values (but don't worry, I skipped the cheesy ones). You have to show up live to get it, but I promise it's SO worth it!

Invest the time... You are worth it!

See you there.

~ Stephanie